Camping with confidence Part 2

In this context: For high summer clothing, in addition to natural fibers such as silk or linen “intelligent” synthetic fibers with temperature-balancing and used subsequently cooling effect plus UV protection – for example, polyester/spandax blend.

Chemical sunscreens for textile camping equipment

For all parts of your camping equipment synthetic fabric there is impregnation to prevent from excessive sun exposure. They contain substances that inhibit the permeability of the fabric for UV rays. Impregnating agents are available as a spray or paste in outdoor retail outlets. They exert their effect on brand-new and older objects. Synergy effect: The impregnation against UV rays protects the textile components of your camping equipment from fading.

Last but not least – special laundry care in summer: With impregnation allows the UV protection also improve for clothing. Depending on the care product 5-10 washes for optimal results are required. Learn more here: car rental Sofia

The North Africans are leading the way: In hot weather, not iced drinks are served, but hot mint tea. Unfortunately, the hot beverage is not true the taste buds of each camper. Important for the well-being at high residence time outdoors to consume significantly more than the recommended daily allowance of one and a half liters of liquid. It must like the double or triple his – preferably alcoholic.

Otherwise: The ideal summer food is light and vitamin-rich food that does not burden the human organism. Way from the fat pork sausage – to grilled fish, poultry and fresh salad so!

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